Village Information Center
Whether you are considering a move to Ford Heights or looking for more information about the Village you already call home, this website offers immediate access to the information you need.
Here you can make online payments, report a concern, read current news stories and announcements, sign up for notifications, review upcoming meetings and events, access agendas and minutes, and learn about the departments that serve you each day.
One of the reasons that Ford Heights is such a great place to live is because so many residents are willing to volunteer. We encourage you to browse this site to discover one of the many ways you can get involved in our community whether by joining one of the many community organizations, volunteering on a village committee, helping out at a village event or participating in your respective homeowners associations. Not only will you find the experience rewarding, but you will be helping to preserve the quality of life we enjoy in Ford Heights.
If you would like more information or have general questions about the Village of Ford Heights, staff would be pleased to assist you. Please stop in the Municipal Hall
1343 Ellis Ave, Ford Heights, IL 60411 between 9 AM and 3 PM, Monday through Friday.