Records Request / FOIA
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is the principal Illinois statutory enactment governing the inspection of public records. This Act guarantees access to thousands of documents and records generated by the state and local governmental bodies. Specifically, it provides the public with a mechanism to observe government in action and to monitor the actions that government takes. The Village of Ford Heights is committed to open government and provides access to many of the most frequently requested documents right here on the website.
All requests to inspect, copy, or certify public records must be submitted to the Village in writing and in the appropriate form. The Village will respond to each written request to inspect, copy, or certify public records within five business days after it is received, unless an extension of time is determined necessary. The Village will respond to a written request made for commercial purposes within 21 business days after it is received. Requests for information governed by specific statutes will be provided in accordance with such statutes. Applicable fees for copies, certification, or mailing of public records must be paid prior to receiving the requested documents.
All notices and other communications relating to a request to inspect, copy, or certify public records and all requests for any other information relating to the Village's implementation of the Illinois Freedom of Information Act must be directed to a designated FOIA officer.
Before you fill out a FOIA form, you may find what you are looking for on our website. In our effort to provide you access to public information, the Village of Ford Heights created the Document Center as a central repository of online documents and the Transparency Portal, which aggregates links to many commonly requested documents.
Didn't find what you are looking for on the website? Use the links on the left to file an online FOIA request or download, complete, and submit the paper form linked below.